Thursday, August 10, 2006

Behold, Tomas has graced this site with his divine presence!

The world is falling apart!!! Run for it!!! (Specially if your name is Lola!!) Israelians have decided to go further into Lebanon, Norwegian oil workers kidnapped in Nigeria, bombings in Kabul, Robin Williams even started rinking again after 20 dry years. Ashley Cole is probably not coming to Chelsea, Daniel fucking Craig is Bond, no hot water in Breiðholt (Icelandic ghetto) tonight, new outbreak in the civil war in Sri Lanka. Australian baby sitter put a 14 month old girl into the dryer (for er entertainment!!!). But behold everybody, you can relax, I am updating my blog... I know, I know, you have all these big guys, Annan, Bush, Blair and Chiraq (how the fuck do you spell these blody french names?!?!?) are doing nothing, traveling between fancy hotels for meetings that are nothing but cover ups for big drinking parties. But at least here there is one person doing something about it. I am updating the only website on the internet (except my favorite midget porn site) that has the potential to solve all of the worlds problem. If only the Hizbola leadership and the damn Jews (I know, I know, I am too politically correct) would only read this website they could stop hating each other and join forces in hating me... problem solved...
In other news... (maybe I shouldn´t had started with the huge world issues, now it doesn´t matter what I will write about it will sound so trivial...) I went to a meeting in Lufthansa today, me and Damy (Nigeria) dressed in full suits, something people here don´t do at all because of the excruciating heat that constantly plague this country. So in we walked two very foreign looking guys, one whiter than the purest cocaine straight from Escobars ass, the other one blacker than... (hmmm... what is extremely black...) well you get my point, black!
In full suits and both bigger than the person we were meeting with (no, I haven´t grown, still as small as always, why do you think I visit the midget porn site?) but te people here is just so small, makes you want to poke them, but I restrained my self and watched the horror on the face of the poor person that had to talk to us. Anyway, the meeting went fine and we tried to hold back the laughter until we got out of sight from the shaking little marketing manager... poor little thing...
After staying here I am becoming increasingly more nationalistic, more and more Icelandic flags and stuff are finding their way to the office, I also control the music here since I have the largest collection of music and increasingly I torture the ears of my fellow MCers with Icelandic music. Don´t misunderstand me, it is a torture not because Icelandic music isn´t good, nono, it is divine, the uniqu combination of notes and lyrical words, on the other hand the other were so unfortunate not to be born in Iceland so they haven´t grown acostumed to such a pure magic, so their ears just need training... I will help them through it.
That´s enough of sarcastic bullshit for now,
all the best,


At 3:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it the same midget porn site that our honeymoon photos were published on?

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hey, good post :-) i think u are getting even more sarcastic than u were in Iceland ..?! ;-)

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