Friday, June 23, 2006

Adventure of the Komodo dragon

Once again, absouletely no connection but for you information the Komodo dragon is the world's largest lizard species. It is found mainly on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rintja, Padar, and Flores. There are only an estimated 1,000 to 5,000 of these monitor lizards living today. Reaching lengths of up to 3 m or more, and weighing up to 126 kg, these reptiles are swift runners and climbers with great appetites for deer and wild boar.
Although often regarded as pests, they are not a serious menace to humans. In order to protect the dragon, the Indonesian government has made the islands of Padar and Rintja into nature reserves for both the lizard and its prey. Commercial trade in specimens or skins is illegal under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

Interesting isn´t it...

But yeah... life is so good... we are well on our way to finish national planning, I am in a football team and a squash team, I´ll move to a cheaper room next month, Chelsea players are doing great at the World Cup, perfect.

This weekend I´ll be playing football with the standard beer encounter afterwards, then on sunday I might be playing paint ball, we´ll see if that works out... so I am as happy as I have ever been, although I am missing all my friends and family from Iceland. But hey, I´ll be back next year with a whole year of an incredible experience in my luggage.

Have a nice weekend, don´t stay to nice.


At 12:51 pm, Blogger Davíð Örn said...

Ég klikkaði á að spjalla við þig á MSN-inu í morgun. Ef þú kemst, þá reyni ég að fylgjast með MSN-inu á morgun kl. 7 í fyrramálið að íslenskum tíma :D

At 10:11 pm, Blogger Solveig said...

Oh, you're leading a great life. I want that life! Every day, I wake up before seven o'clock so I can go to my "well-paid" job in the kitchens at the home for the elderly, where my bosses almost bully the new kids.
I'm making Iceland look bad so you don't miss us so much. Is it working?

At 3:55 am, Blogger Tomas said...

Ha ha!
Iceland could never look bad, I mean, I was born there... How could a country giving birth to me not be amazing?? nono... seriously... I do not envy your job awfully much, hope you can hold on through the summer untill uni. starts again :)
And Davíð, I´ll be online, hopefully I will not have a meeting at that time... see you guys

At 12:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hæ hæ ætla að prufa að senda aftur reyndi það í gær og skrifaði meira að segja á ensku og "allt" en það fór aldrei í gegn, sé til hvernig það gengur núna og skrifa þá (ef það gengur) aftur fljótt, LOV JÚ mamma

At 3:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear you´re doing great! But it sounds a little too perfect for my taste.... so if someone is holding a gun to your head, while he/she forces you to lie about how great you are doing, while really you labor making shoes for nike or some other company, nod twice.
And if not, i´m happy for you!

At 4:12 am, Blogger Tomas said...

It´s not Nike... it´s Adidas!!! Silly you!!!

At 9:39 am, Blogger Davíð Örn said...

We miss some new blog news!!!

At 12:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehhe... lélegasti commentari í heimi hér :P Heyrðu bara láta vita að ég kíki hér reglulega til að lesa fréttir af útlandafaranum :) Frábært að sjá hvað þú hefur það gott, haltu því áfram :)
Kv. Karó


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