Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Freedom of speach

So, I am being pressed to change some parts of my travel story, some individuals or organizations are unhappy about my opinion in them and want me to change my blog.
I am being pressured by my own president, it feels so great when your "leader" stands by you.
The funny thing is that I am willing to forfeit my right of opinion and freedom of speach if the person involved just asks me to do it, instead they have went around my back and choose to let other people pressure me and threaten me. I just want your opinion, so please leave a comment on whether I should change it or not.


At 7:34 pm, Blogger Davíð Örn said...


At 7:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck them, if they are not man or women enough to face you, you should not change it, don't sell out!!

At 7:44 pm, Blogger Davíð Örn said...

But seriously, I don't think you should ever "[Be] willing to forfeit [your] right of opinion and freedom of speach if the person involved just asks [you] to do it"

You should however feel able to change the expression of your opinion or speech at the request of someone else.

I believe that one should be honest and always take responsibility on everything one says and does. If the things are false, then of coarse one should withdraw one's statement, but if its true or "in the gray area" one should of coarse express it, especially when you nave been stuck at an airport for more than 24 hours (and the longer you stay there, the more freedome you should have ;))

I the statements offend someone, I think however that in the event that this someone requests the withdrawal of the statements it's only fair to do so.

Well that's just my opinion, but if you're being thretened or being pressured with no reasonable argument, especially not from the "correct persons" you should not change a thing!!!

Viva LAS VEGAS!!!!

and "La Liberté de la parole" (Freedom of speech)

At 7:49 pm, Blogger Tomas said...

Thanks thanks guys, yes, that's what has been my position from the beginning, I fully stand by evey single word in there but I am willing to change the wording in some parts if the people involved ask me to in a civilized manner. If not I might just publish all our correspondance and reveal the sillyness of this whole "issue"

At 8:13 pm, Blogger Davíð Örn said...

That's actually not a bad idea! Especially not if there is a hinch of a reporter within you ;) like "Fréttablaðið" did with the "Baugs" e-mail!

I also think that the person that is nagging you should take in consideration your posistion here, that is, you have been stuck in the UK (most of the time in the airport) for almost 3 days now (or more?) that should give some privilige ;)

Viva McDonalds

At 10:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tomas and everybody,

I will not discuss this situation here so I ask everybody who have any questions or want to know the other side of the story to contact me via e-mail: or by phone: +354 868 5620.

Tomas, if you talk about our MSN chat today and if you want to show it to people, I'm more than opened to that (too bad it is in Icelandic).

Have a nice trip!

At 10:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There ought to exist the fullest liberty of professing and discussing, as a matter of ethical conviction, any doctrine, however immoral it may be considered. (1978, 15)

If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. (1978, 16)"

-John Stuart Mill

At 10:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others."(1978, 9)"

-John Stuart Mill

"So the question must be: Has any harm been done to others, which may be prevented by silencing your opinions!"

At 11:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi hi

U do know that I can help u if u dont have your credit card......
And u need money....

At 11:01 am, Blogger Davíð Örn said...

Why don't we hear anymore from people or Thomas?

At 9:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"just because the fucking AIESEC UK couldn’t get my fucking tickets to Scott and Scott was to damn important to look into it."

Imagine a comparable situation:

"just because the fucking MICROSOFT UK couldn’t get my fucking tickets to Scott and Scott was to damn important to look into it."

Microsoft in Iceland, Microsoft in UK and Microsoft would be right to consider their employee not to be a team player if he talked liked this in public about the company. Whatever happened, there would have been other more appropriate ways og dealing with the issue than talk about "fucking AIESEC" in public.

Thus, all the comments on freedom of speech completely miss the point here. It is not about what one is allowed to say by law but what is wise to say in public about ones own organizations.

At 12:40 pm, Blogger Davíð Örn said...


Aren't microsoft employees (and other employees) bound by a contract and have thereby WILLINGLY "sold" some of their free speech concerning their own company to work for that company and get paid money for doing so/and not doing things that can make their company look bad?

Is it completely compatible??? Im not sure...


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